Monday, June 29, 2009


I'm BACK in the blog...yes after a wonderful conversation with Jenny I've decided to pick up my blog, dust it off, touch it up, and put in back as new.

See I feel like there is nothing going on, and yet there is a lot changing and shifting. I moved to a new apartment with great roommates that I'm excited to live with (pictures to come of this). THIS also means that I GET INTERNET!!!! YAY!!!

Work has been GREAT and CRAZY with a dash of "man oh man" and a pinch of "you got to be kidding me" . This is all to say I both love it and desire to sleep for days afterword. (funny stories of kids to come from this).

There is a lot going on in church too. Dave and Jen were asked to lead the Youth Group at New Covenant Fellowship, and I just HAD to jump at the opportunity to be in ministry with them! we are going on a small retreat with the kids from July 10th- 12th. (can't wait to have a whole blog post of how crazy things were....oh and pictures )

Now the last thing I have been struck by the deaths of those who have passed on most recently: Michael Jackson, Ed Mcmahon, Farah Fawcett, and my dear Chevy cavalier. That's right ladies and gentleman my car has died. It was on my way to work Monday morning, on a very busy road and everyone must have been driving while changing the radio station, or texting on their phone, or pouring themselves tea....because every one of those cars swerved as if they only saw that I was not moving at the last second. you would think that people would have caught on...but none of them did. All I have to say is that God is Gracious and good. (more about this later - could there be a resurrection of my car in the future? ).

Sunday, February 1, 2009

One Semester Down…Tons more to go!!

I realized earlier this week as I looked at everyone’s blog that mine stopped at Christmas of LAST YEAR!!! This brought to mind two very important things…..I tend to procrastinate on things that must get accomplished, and SO much has changed in one years time. I look at the pictures that were of last year, the most evident change was that I am now in North Carolina going to Seminary. Man oh man has it been a crazy semester. I loved the changing of the seasons…I was able to see so many colors and it is just beautiful up here. I finished my first semester at Seminary with gratitude toward the education I received at Trinity College. I realized that the Lord is faithful and able to provide for all the needs that we have. I got to visit home this Christmas, and part of that trip was getting to see Jenny and Jerry Cordero, who will be parents soon. I can’t believe it and I’m so excited to see them both as amazing parents. Little Isabella is going to be so blessed. So I guess to catch everyone up for this next year…I survived my first semester of Seminary…but the way things look I have tons more to go…but don’t worry friends, I plan on keeping up to date on what goes on. So get ready to be annoyed with how much new stuff appears and how many pictures you will see, because I’m telling you what this is going to be the best semester…. (sorry I felt like yelling “this is your best year now” Thanks to good ol’ Joel Olsten the way I have never read his book, nor look forward to in the future…I guess I’ll never know my best life “now” according of Joel. ) he he he.

"Sarah said, "God has made laughter for me; everyone who hears will laugh with me." (Genesis 21:6)