So, recently I have become an on call nanny. Which is sorta like being apart of the babysitters club as an adult. I had a very interesting experience this last week. I was watching these two kids, who I have watched before. A girl about 9 and a boy about 6. They were at a birthday party two blocks from their house and as I picked them up this is what happened:
“I didn't know you had a Sebring...We have a Sebring too” the little boy said excitedly as we were exiting the house.
“ No, I don't have a Sebring”. I said trying to usher them out the door.
“Oh, well were is your car” the little boy inquired.
“ It's parked on the side of the house, see it's the turquoise one” I pointed to the side of the house.
“It's not turquoise” The little boy stated.
“yeah it's blue” His older sister piped in. By now the older girl had seen my car and was given away to disappointment Sadly the little boy had not. And as we passed a nice, expensive silver car, He stopped right in front of the door waiting to be let in.
“No, that's not my car, This one is” I said pointing to the two door dusty car. I had just picked up inside for such an event like this, and was filled with pride over it. Up until this point. “This is your car, it's so dirty” As we entered the car the kids seemed to be amazed that one could only have two doors. “This car only has two doors, We aren't going to be able to fit all our stuff”. “It's dirty” “the outside is dirty and so is the inside” “there is no room for anything” (by the way.. all the “Stuff” was two small gift bags and two balloon hats. Ha ha ha) I made sure they were buckled in and began down the road two blocks from there house....wishing we would have walked. “this car is really dirty.” “you should take it to one of those places with the vacuum and clean it out” “ yeah it would only cost two dollars” (by the way my response during this was a fake smile and an occasional “yeah, your right”...because let's be honest....They were.) As we pulled up to the house the little boy began to give me advice on which car I should pick, because they were convinced at this point that anyone with a car like mine, was waiting to get a new one....ha ha ha. Praise God for Doors! The entrance of their house gave way to a new subject. This is so funny to me.
The funny part is that later that night I was tucking them into bed and the little boy told me that I was so lucky that I didn't have to go to School anymore. I told him “Yeah, but I work” That's when his older Sister ran into the room and exclaimed “but you don't haavvvveee to work”.I told her that I have bills I have to pay, so that is why I work.
“and she's buying a new car”. The little boy said without looking up and jumped into bed for the night. All I could do is Laugh. Well Yes, that's why I work....isn't that why we all work...only to buy a new car. HA HA HA HA...
Girl!!! You are way too funny. I love that cover of the babysitters club. So hopefully you will still be there by the time I get there this afternoon. Love you.
Get your butt over to my page!!!
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